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A Long List of Firsts: A Carlsbad Village Lesbian Romance Page 5
A Long List of Firsts: A Carlsbad Village Lesbian Romance Read online
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This time, it was Ainsley who let out a puff of breath and then shifted in her seat, crossing her legs. Rachel felt supremely satisfied.
“Okay,” Ainsley said, laughing and blushing and making the time out gesture with her hands. “Volleyball!”
“Is that our safe word or something?” Rachel queried, also laughing.
“Yes, because apparently we need one!” Ainsley replied.
Rachel was having a blast hanging out with Ainsley tonight. What was great about it was that not only was Ainsley proving to be as fun and chill as Rachel first picked up on back in Carlsbad at the showing, but they really were connecting as friends. Rachel honestly felt as if she found another woman she could have a strong bond with.
She kind of needed it, if she was honest with herself. Amy was still in her life, of course; and they still saw each other frequently. But ever since Amy and Sally had gotten together, Rachel had discovered that there was less of Amy to go around.
“What are you doing tomorrow?” Ainsley asked.
“Let’s see…” Rachel closed her eyes and pictured her calendar. “I have a showing at ten a.m. and then nothing.”
“Meet me and the gang for volleyball,” Ainsley said.
“Ooh, that sounds fun! Where? Do I have to drive all the way back down here to San Diego again?”
“Nope; just to Solana Beach. We play at a volleyball club that has private sand courts. It’s awesome.”
“Wait a minute,” Rachel said. “Clear something up for me. How is it that you have all this time to hang out with me tonight and play volleyball tomorrow? Do you actually have a job?”
Ainsley laughed.
“Well, in the time that we’ve known each other—”
“Which totals up to about eight hours,” Ainsley interrupted, looking at her watch.
“Right,” Rachel said. “In all that time, you’ve actually seen me do real estate stuff but I’ve not seen you do one medical thing. Are you really a doctor?”
“Mm, you’re right,” Ainsley said, looking around. Eventually, she pointed. “Do you see that guy in the orange shirt?”
Rachel did. He was middle-aged, walking along Fifth Avenue with a woman and weighed at least three-hundred pounds if he weighed an ounce.
“Yes,” she told her companion.
“Well,” Ainsley began, “as a doctor, I can tell you that he really needs to lose some weight. There! I just did some medical stuff.”
Laughing, Rachel playfully kicked Ainsley’s leg under the table and did not fail to notice the little electric thrill which shot through her at the contact.
“Great thing about choosing surgery as a discipline,” Ainsley went on, “and being so good at it that you’re made an assistant department chief, is that in most cases, you get to determine when to do your procedures. This means, unlike, say, an ER doc or an obstetrician, I can actually manage to have a real weekend. Most times.”
“Ah, I see,” Rachel said.
“Are you a religious person, Rachel?”
“Only when I’m orgasming.”
Ainsley cocked her eyebrow.
“God, I love your sense of humor,” Ainsley said.
“Why did you ask that?” Rachel inquired, hoping Ainsley wasn’t one of those three-days-a-week church-going people.
“Because one of my patients—let’s just call him Mr. Smith, because of privacy regulations—is expected on my table first thing Monday morning because I’m performing a carotid endarterectomy on him. Unless he has a stroke between now and then in which case I’ll have to operate immediately and thus miss out on playing volleyball tomorrow.”
“And you’re telling me this because…” Rachel prodded.
“If the only way to get you to pray that Mr. Smith doesn’t have a stroke between now and Monday is to make you come, perhaps we should go back to my place.”
Rachel did end up going back to Ainsley’s place but only to retrieve her Tesla and to use the restroom. After reassuring the doctor that she was fit to drive even after the drinks she’d had, she drove back to Carlsbad with a date to play volleyball the next day with Ainsley and her friends.
The next morning, however, Rachel woke up mid-orgasm.
Lying in bed on her front, as soon as she had arisen enough from the depths of her slumber to realize what was happening between her legs, she gasped and uttered, “Oh fuck!”
Her center was already contracting, her thighs already wet.
“Oh god!” she screeched as the bursts of pleasure shot out from her core, making her want more and more and more.
So, pulling her legs forward and raising her hips so her ass was in the air, she shoved her hand into her pj shorts, found her clit swollen and waiting for her touch and began rubbing the tingling button, grunting into her pillow as her pussy got ready for another release.
In the vivid and erotic dreams she still remembered having, it had been Ainsley behind her when her ass was up like this, eating her out, pushing her tongue as deep into her as it would go until…
“Oh fuck!” Rachel gasped when the tipping point was reached and she came again. “Oh fuck, lick me! Fucking lick me!” She wanted the arousal which was now streaming out to be streaming out onto Ainsley’s face, that perfect and beautiful face. She knew Ainsley would lick it all. She knew Ainsley would probably come herself doing so.
She let out a low moan as her pussy gave one last shocking pulse of pleasure which forced her to once more flatten herself on the bed, her hand still in her shorts, her fingers now sticky with the evidence of her enjoyment.
It had been over a week since she’d last come and so this orgasm had been intense. She gently moved her fingers through the lips of her pussy, marveling at how wet she was.
Breathing hard, she just lie there, staring off into the middle distance, thinking about things.
She knew that orgasms were like a truth serum. Once you have one, you were better able to really examine how you feel about…anything. And so, lying here in bed, Rachel let her mind tell her some truths.
To begin, she wasn’t bothered by the fact that she’d had erotic dreams about Ainsley that were so potent she actually woke up climaxing. Nor was she bothered by the fact that she had then given herself another orgasm, fantasizing about Ainsley the entire time her fingers had been pressed hard against her clit.
She knew she was attracted to Ainsley. There was no point in denying it. Moreover, there was no point in trying to kid herself into believing that her attraction to Ainsley and the sexual electricity she had felt yesterday in her company had only been brought about by having a rather dismal sex life.
Also—and this was a big one, Rachel considered—she needed to admit to herself that the two climaxes she’d just had were not the only two she’d had that were lesbian-focused. Ever since her best friend Amy had introduced her to the books of Jillian Ashley—written by Amy’s fiancée, Sally—Rachel had been climaxing a lot because of lesbians.
She had only started reading Sally’s books because she had been curious about the author Amy was so ga-ga about. But then, seven chapters into the first book of Sally’s Gotham Lesbians series, Rachel had been amazed.
Chapter seven contained the book’s first sex scene and rather than being repulsed as a straight woman by reading such graphic descriptions of sapphic lovemaking, Rachel had found herself becoming aroused. During chapter ten—the next sex scene—she had played her fingers lightly along her abdomen while reading how Karen, one of the main characters, brought Marisol to a “bone-shattering” orgasm with her tongue.
Rachel had edged herself during chapter seventeen and masturbated shortly after reading chapter twenty-one, telling herself that it had nothing to do with the book, that she was just super horny.
But it was Chapter 25 that didn’t allow Rachel to use that excuse anymore. She had masturbated while reading Chapter 25; while reading the descriptions of what Karen and Ma
risol—two women—were doing to each other in a long sex scene that was so expertly written and so damn hot Rachel had come twice before it was over.
And once that line had been crossed, Rachel had found herself masturbating and coming while reading the rest of Sally’s lesbian romance books.
So, no, this morning’s climaxes about Ainsley were not her first lesbian-induced orgasms.
They were, however, her first lesbian-induced orgasms she’d had thinking about a real woman.
And I’m fine with that.
And she was. Because she still believed that, at most, she was under the influence of a crush, that’s all. It was the Ainsley Effect, plain and simple. Chances are, it would pass the more time she spent with her new friend.
In the meantime, however…
The fingers she had kept in her pj shorts had managed to rev up her engine again.
Biting her bottom lip and shutting her eyes, she succumbed to the sensations, wanting to come yet again.
As her middle finger began rocking against her clit, Rachel imagined re-enacting Chapter 25 with a certain golden-haired doctor she knew.
Chapter 8
Driving north on the I-5 towards Solana Beach from San Diego, on the way to meet her usual crew of friends and Rachel for volleyball, Ainsley gave herself a bit of a talking to.
“Dial it down, Ains,” she said aloud. “Dial it down…”
Last night had been…intense. Yes, it had been fun and, yes, she had had an amazing time with a woman who she knew she wanted in her life as a close friend. But it had also been…intense.
All night long while with Rachel, Ainsley had felt as if her entire body was thrumming, as if she was in contact with a mild electric current. Actually, that was true for most of her body. The exception was her center. All night long, that had felt as if someone had rested a vibrator on top of her mound and left it running.
It had started, of course, when Rachel, using innuendo and touch, had rescued Ainsley from Casey at the condo. Holy fuck, that had been hot! And even after Casey had left and Ainsley and Rachel had started their night out on the town, Ainsley’s state of being turned on never let up! Her pussy had stayed switched on all night long—her clit a swollen button, her inner walls frequently clutching, demanding something be inserted for them to grasp onto, her arousal dripping out of her until, finally, it had overwhelmed her underwear, making her upper thighs slick inside her midi skirt.
Each time she had gone to the restroom to pee, Ainsley had spent extra time in the stall cleaning herself, wiping away all that excess lubrication. But then she’d return to Rachel and their flirting would resume. Or a particularly strong waft of Rachel’s perfume would invade her nostrils. Or their legs would touch under the table and remain touching as they talked. Or Rachel would just smile a certain way or say something funny or lick her lips…Then, Ainsley’s clit would jump, her nipples would harden and the floodgates would once again open.
They had ended their night together back at Ainsley’s condo. Rachel had had to use her bathroom and then afterwards they said their goodbyes with a hug.
It hadn’t been just a normal friend-hug, either. As turned on as she was, Ainsley had almost come the instant she felt Rachel’s breasts press against her own. And Ainsley had almost come again when the shorter Rachel nuzzled her neck during the hug while her hands rubbed along her shoulder blades.
For her part, Ainsley had been bold and during the hug allowed her fingers to play with the fine and curly hairs at the base of Rachel’s neck and Ainsley swore that she had heard Rachel give the tiniest of moans as she did so.
Somehow, they parted. How, Ainsley still didn’t know. But after watching Rachel drive away, Ainsley had shut the front door and then did something she had never done before. Leaning against the closed door with her forehead resting against her left arm she slid her right hand past the waistband of her skirt, into her panties, found her clit and, standing there fully clothed, made herself come so hard she cried out just before sinking her teeth into her forearm and whimpering as her pussy finally got the release it needed.
“Fucking hell, Rachel,” Ainsley had muttered when the climax relinquished it grasp on her. “Let’s take this into the bedroom, shall we?” And that was how she eventually got herself to sleep: on her bed, completely nude, unashamedly calling out Rachel’s name the next two times she came before finally rolling onto her side and drifting off to slumber.
But now, as she neared Solana Beach, Ainsley was determined to dial things back. Orgasming three times—three!—fantasizing about a woman who A: she had just met, and B: was straight, was ridiculous. She had never done that before, even after meeting hot lesbians.
In a few minutes, she exited the highway and navigated her Porsche through the streets of Solana Beach to a low white building on Pacific Avenue.
“Solana Beach Volleyball Club” read the sign attached to the building’s façade, and as she pulled into the parking lot, she recognized the cars of several of her friends and even Rachel’s blue Tesla.
She spotted Rachel standing outside the entrance to the club, her red hair pulled back into a ponytail. Rachel was wearing loose-fitting blue workout pants and a racerback volleyball top which not only showed off her incredible shoulders but her amazing midsection. Every bit of flesh from just under Rachel’s round breasts, where the top ended, to the waist of her workout pants was bare, tanned and toned and Ainsley’s tongue was on autopilot as it licked her lips.
Rachel was chatting with Ainsley’s friend, Krissy, who was dressed similarly to the real estate agent. Both women had sports bags at their feet.
“Hey!” Krissy greeted Ainsley, as she approached.
Rachel turned and Ainsley’s heart skipped several beats when she noticed how Rachel’s mouth fell open a bit and her eyes roamed over Ainsley’s figure. Like her friends, Ainsley was also outfitted for a day of volleyball and like her friends, she was wearing little on top except for one of her favorite sports bras. Unlike her friends, however, she was wearing cut-off shorts and so her legs were on display as well.
And Rachel’s eyes were drinking it all in.
“Hey,” Ainsley said, embracing Krissy. When they separated, she pointed at Rachel. “Be careful of this one,” she said. “The last time I saw her, I ended up buying a house!”
“Oh, I know!” Krissy said, her cute little girl voice infectiously bubbly. “I’ve been getting to know her. Your new house sounds amazing!”
“It is! I can’t wait for you to see it.”
Ainsley greeted Rachel with a hug also, smelling the sunblock on her new friend’s skin.
“Hey,” Ainsley said.
“Hey,” Rachel replied. “Miss me?”
“Terribly,” Ainsley answered, feeling the devilish urge to confess to Rachel about the role Rachel played in the three orgasms she had given herself last night. Instead, she said, “I wore my clothes to bed because they still smelled like you.”
What happened to dialing it back?
Rachel laughed and gave her a smirk.
“Drat! And there I was at home imagining you naked in bed.”
“Damn, you two!” Krissy said. “Get a room! C’mon, the rest of the girls are already inside.”
A few minutes later, Ainsley did want to get a room.
In the club’s locker room, after Ainsley introduced Rachel to the rest of her friends, Rachel shucked off her workout pants and suddenly Ainsley was treated to the sight of Rachel in a volleyball bikini. A sight which was as beautiful as any sunset or work of art she’d ever seen. It was silly, really. Ainsley literally saw her usual gang of friends in such skimpy sportswear a few times each month. And her usual gang of friends were all pretty damn good-looking women who all kept in shape and had enviable figures. Ainsley had even seen a few of them naked.
But seeing her crush like this, especially Rachel’s perfectly sculpted thighs which sensuously curved outward at their tops to form an ass that Ainsley just wanted to run the flat of h
er tongue along, was an entirely different experience.
“Do you want to share a locker?” she asked Rachel.
“Sure!” Rachel said, approaching and putting her sports bag and recently removed pants into the locker Ainsley had claimed. “Look at us, U-Hauling already.”
Ainsley, surprised, burst into laughter.
God, this woman…
Ainsley aced her next serve, which meant her team was now down only two.
“Show off!” Charlotte called out from her team’s side of the net.
Ainsley smiled. It had been a wicked serve.
She saw Rachel turn around and give her a thumbs up with a smile, which made Ainsley feel like a teenager who had just done something to impress the prom queen. It also gave her this jolt of motivation to want to impress Rachel again. With the ball once more in her hands, she took a couple of deep breaths and then tossed the ball up, putting a counter-clockwise spin to it. Her jump was timed perfectly and her hit was deadly. Like a laser beam, the ball penetrated the opposing team’s territory untouched, giving Ainsley another ace.
She decided to use a little trickery on her next serve. She knew that after two straight aces, both Charlotte and Wendy, who were both great defensive players, would be prepared, expecting another cannon shot which, if they handled it, they would most likely turn around to their team’s advantage. Ainsley even noticed Wendy repositioning herself slightly and adjusting her stance, obviously ready to move quickly in case Ainsley attacked a different zone.
Instead, Ainsley pretended as if she was going to attempt another laser beam serve but then delivered a floater over the net.
“Fuck!” she heard Charlotte exclaim. Expecting another rocket of a serve and thus caught back on her heels, Charlotte nonetheless managed to get a pass to the setter who set it brilliantly for their outside attacker, Lucinda. But Ainsley’s tactic of a soft and flat serve evidently had thrown everyone on that side of the net off. Lucinda’s kill attempt was far less potent than her normal skill level and the ball was bumped easily by Anya on Ainsley’s team, the pass going straight to Rachel as setter.